David Duchovny Hosts SNL!

This page has been accessed 58143 times since June 16th, 1995

The show's on right now as I create the document. Your comments on the show? So far I'm not massively impressed although David does seem to be handling himself well. It appears he has a natural flair for (dare I say?) comedic timing? Lets watch the rest...

First, some quick, cheap video stills. (Hey, I have a PowerPc/AV Macintosh so I can watch the show on my computer while I surf and create / update web pages.

First, David in drag.... (one for the family scrapbook I'm sure.)

Now David as Robin the Boy Wonder (don't ask.)

David in a fairly lame sketch and as Richard Gere.

Final comments? Big Yawn! I love David's work but didn't it seem as though he wasn't really in it that much? Basically, the writing sucked big time. They should have done better by our fav FBI Agent (w/ apologies to the GATB.) Oh well... lets wait for next season. Oh yeah.. trust no one.

David gives the traditional SNL "Goodbye" Speech.